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the developement team
The development of blueMSX started in September of 2003. The progress so far has been quite rapid. A lot of the reason for the fast development is all feedback and support we get from the users. We believe that more response and suggestions leads to improvement.

The core development team of blueMSX now has six members: Daniel Vik, Benoit Delvaux, Tomas Karlsson, Johan van Leur, Ricardo Bittencourt and Ray Zero. You can reach us through the extra as we are open to your comments.
special thanks to
There are many other people that has made valuable contributions to blueMSX, we like show our respect and appreciation here.
Shimanuki Koshi for sweeping news groups for bug reports and giving invaluable feedback and information to the blueMSX project. He also suggested the mixer control and did the Japanese translation.
Roger Filipe For creating the gcc/mingw build environment and for doing some bug fixes. Roger has made improvements in the rom mappers and made more games playable in blueMSX. He also made the Portuguese translation.
SLotman For integrating the zlib libraries and for porting the Scale2x monitor emulation (all done in the blueMSX clone called RedMSX)
Nicolas Beyaert For doing a renewed and extensive rom database.
Laurent Halter For creating a new screen shot feature, coding the horizontal and vertical stretching of the MSX screen and for his help with DirectX problems
Kobayashi Michiko For suggesting graphics to the toolbar.
Rob Hiep For help with the Sunrise IDE harddisk support.
Marco Casali - member of RAM Corporation (T2) and ICM Group Italy - for his help with the Italian translation, MSX-AUDIO problems and the Tetris 2 Special Edition dongle support
Jon Cort�zar Abraido For his help with supporting asMSX symbol files and debug command in the debugger and trace logger
Vincent van Dam For help with the cassette support and copy-protected disks.
NYYRIKKI For help with the MHT Ingenieros Gunstick, the ASCII Plus-X Terminator Laser and the Finnish translation.
Fabio Albergaria Dias For great feedback and for testing the brazilian MSX system rom.
Glafouk For testing the audio emulation and providing music disks and for doing the French translation.
Martijn van Tienen For help with command line arguments and the Dutch translation.
Hiro For his gentle permission to use his wonderful Turbo-R GT keyboard bitmap in the Controllers/Keyboard editor
Amer Dugmag For help with the Arabic roms.
Enrico Barbisan For help with the Philips NMS-801 system rom.
Ulver For help with the Korean translation.
V�ctor Fern�ndez S�nchez For help with the Spanish translation.
Davide Platania, aka Kruznak For help with the Italian translation.
Miikka Poikela For help with the Finnish translation.
Tanni For help with the German translation.
Jacek Bogucki (Gucek) For his help with the Polish translation.
UC_ARS For help with the Chinese Simplified translation.
nhlay For help with the Chinese Traditional translation.
SaebaRYO For his help with the Korean translation.
Hondarer for help with the Japanese translation and for providing a source to get a more accurate FDD LED blinking and resolve some problems.
William Ouwehand For help with the emulator archives and for good feedback on the user interface.
Wouter Vermaelen For help with sprite emulation and rom mappers.
Tobias Keizer For providing Z80 timing tables.
Atarulum For help with horizontal stretch and ideas for improvements.
Sandy Pleyte For help with Megaram emulation and ideas for improvements.
MkII For his help with the additional M1 waiting states.
Eduardo Mello For help with different RAM and VRAM issues on MSX and Coleco
Rudolf Lechleitner For great feedback and technical advice in rom mapper analysis and sharing his source for the printer emulation
  and you! The USERS.
special thanks to
The following people have created software that are used in blueMSX and without their software there would not be a blueMSX application.
Marat Fayzullin Author of fMSX of which blueMSX is derived.
Alex Wulms Author of the VDP Command Engine emulation.
R. Belmont and O. Galibert Authors of the YMF278 sound chip emulation (part of the Moonsound emulation).
Jarek Burczynski Author of the YM2413 sound chip emulation and of the YMF262 sound chip emulation (part of the Moonsound emulation).
Mitsutaka Okazaki Author of the YM2413 sound chip emulation
Tatsuyuki Satoh Author of the Y8950 sound chip emulation.
Gilles Vollant Author of the unzip package.
c-bios credits
blueMSX is shipped with C-BIOS, an alternative freeware BIOS on which 3 machines are based. We thank here the developers of this open source BIOS which is free to use. (*)Some of the C-BIOS member has also gave us a great input and contribution to our development which is mentioned together.
Albert Beevendorp (*) Developer / For his multiple contributions and suggestions to improve differents parts of the emulator.
Manuel Bilderbeek (*) Support manager / For help with many emulation related issues.
Eric Boon Developer
BouKiChi (*) Developer / For help with the blueMSX debugger
Herman Oudejans Tester
Jussi Pitk�nen Programmer
Reikan Retired coder
Maarten ter Huurne (*) Developer / For help with VDP emulation and video renderers.
Patrick van Arkel (*) Tester / For his great work to converting the rom database into a dynamic and nice database that will be very useful for the MSX community
Joost Yervante Damad Packager
source code
You can download the full source code of blueMSX below. We have moved our source code to sourceforge where you can get the latest CVS.

Latest source code
blueMSXv25src.zip The complete source code for blueMSX.
Since v2.0 blueMSX became open source and freely distributable. You may check our sourceforge project page for further info.

NOTE: Note about old versions (before version 2.0)
In our past version, portion of blueMSX contained codes from fMSX which restricts usage and distribution to non-commercial use only. If you want to distribute old versions of blueMSX commercially, you need to contact Marat Fayzullin or rewrite all code that he is responsible for.
so what's next

That depends on what you, the user, wants. On the list of things to do in the near future is to improve compatibility and optimization.
On our roadmap we have :
- Advanced theme system (Constantly updating)
- ColecoAdam Support
- Gamer Reader Support
- Advanced Mixer
- WAV file support

But more importantly we need to fix some bugs in v2.5 first. ;)