Donate to blueMSX project!

Hi fellow users! We have started accepting donations blueMSX project and it's completely voluntary. blueMSX & the dev team exist because we do it for pure fun and not for any kind of profit. (Not even for a dime!) So if you donate or don't it will not make anything difference in our developement itself. However a donation will greatly help us maintain blueMSX website and future plans to expand the blueMSX project.

The blueMSX TEAM will state the following to let donators know where the money will be used.

-All donation will be used for hosting & bandwidth cost
-All donation will be used for future expantion of the OUR website / forum / database.
-All donation will be used for sponsoring blueMSX users website / fansite.
-All donation will be used to purchase MSX hardware, software & documentation for resource in developement.

We strongly believe that software for private use should be free, and we have no intention to change this idea toward blueMSX. blueMSX is an opensource freeware and will continue to be free.

You can proceed to the dedicated PAYPAL page to make donation, just click the icons below.